The persistent cure of diseases such as Migraine, Nervous Depression, Fears and Phobias, Nerve Tics, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sclerosis, Hyperactivity and Dyslexia, Sleep Disorder Cycle Disorder, Epilepsy, Night Enuresis, Sciatic Nerve Compression, Herniated Disc, Hiatus hernia, abdominal wall hernia, Psoriasis, bronchitic Asthma, Asthma, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Obstipation, Chron Syndrome, Asperger’s Syndrome, Hip Osteoporosis,among others, holistic/transpersonal fundamentals, I mean, with ability to act on the individual/Being multidimensional, consubstantiated in Spirit, mind and physical body, that is, on the different existential planes of Being, namely, those who transpose the observable world and endures in the spiritual and eternal reality of life.
Recurrent Nervous Depression
– Woman, 55 years old – Physical and emotional sequelae of serious road accident, 6 years before: recovered with 5 sessions distributed for 3 months…
Sciatic Nerve Compression, Breast Cysts, Nervous Depression
– Woman, 68 years old – under medical supervision; cure verified with 8 sessions spread over 13 months…
Erectile Dysfunction
– Man, 49 years old – Psychotherapy and endocrinology did not give desirable results; 4 sessions distributed for 3 months, led to remission levels not reached until then…
Ligament Rupture
– Man, 58 years old – “has been having difficulty sleeping for 2 years, can not lie on the left side despite medication and painful infiltrations”; 4 sessions distributed for 2 months lead to remission of pathology … ”
Lung Neoplasm
– Woman, 64 years old – Appeared in the consultation at the first symptoms of the disease, without conclusive medical diagnosis; regeneration achieved with 11 sessions spread over 12 months…
Asperger's Syndrome
– Boy, 3 years old – after the first session reveals calmness and begins to establish regular communication with the outside world; healing achieved with 7 sessions distributed for 6 months; remains stable after one year…